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HKT Premier
HKT Premier x AME 獨家優惠及運動電競挑戰賽
HKT Premier x AME Exclusive Offers and Motion eSports Tournament
活動日期 Promotion Date:10/4/2021 - 31/5/2021
地點 Venue:AME Stadium
九龍尖沙咀中間道 15 號 H Zentre UG 層 2 號舖 (港鐵尖沙咀站 L1 或 K 出口)
Shop 2, UG Floor, H Zentre, 15 Middle Rd, Tsim Sha Tsui, KL (Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station Exit L1 or K)
享有優惠資格 Eligible for offers:
指定HKT Premier客戶,最多可攜同3位親友享受HKT Premier獨家優惠!*
Designated HKT Premier customers, each eligible to bring a maximum of three guests to enjoy HKT Premier exclusive offers.*
*受條款及細則約束Terms and conditions apply
1. HKT Premier 獨家優惠
HKT Premier Exclusive Offers
* HKT Premier獨家優惠條款及細則HKT Premier Exclusive Offer Terms and Conditions:
由2021年4月10日至2021年5月31日(包括首尾兩天)(「推廣期」),收到由HKT Premier 發出附有指定HKT Premier 推廣碼(「推廣碼」)之指定電郵或多媒體訊息(「推廣訊息」)的HKT Premier客戶(「客戶」)可於AME Stadium(「商戶」)享以下優惠:
(a) 免費賽馬體驗一次(「優惠1」);及
(b) 以優惠價及買一送一優惠購買新手體驗賽、三項鐵人賽及/或全民運動會之套票(「優惠2」)。
From 10 April, 2021 to 31 May, 2021 (both dates inclusive) (“Promotion Period”), designated HKT Premier customers (“Customers”) who receive the designated promotional email or MMS (“Promotional Message”) with the designated promotion code (“Promotion Code”) sent by HKT Premier can enjoy the following offers at the AME Stadium (“Merchant”):
(a) free e-Racing experience once (“Offer 1”); and
(b) buy-1-get-1-free at a discounted price for Trial Package, Advanced Package and/or Athletic All-In-One Pass (collectively, “Offer 2”).
(Offer 1 and Offer 2, collectively, “Offers”)
Each Customer can bring up to three guests (“Guest”) to enjoy the Offers during the Promotion Period.
Each Customer and Guest can enjoy Offer 1 once only and enjoy Offer 2 for an unlimited number of times during the Promotion Period.
(a) 於 https://amestadium.as.me/HKT 登記;
(b) 致電商戶熱線6824 5526;或
(c) 致電HKT Premier熱線28881618。
Customers can make an appointment in advance via the following means, or go directly to the Merchant to enjoy the Offers, subject to actual situation:
(a) register at https://amestadium.as.me/HKT ;
(b) call the Merchant’s hotline 6824 5526; or
(c) call the HKT Premier Hotline 28881618.
After making the appointment, Customers will receive the relevant confirmation message ("Confirmation Message") via email or WhatsApp.
To enjoy the Offers, Customers must present the Promotional Message and the Confirmation Message to the Merchant, and each Customer and Guest must register as a member of the Merchant. Memberships are non-transferable.
Customers must accompany the Guests to register as members of the Merchant during the Promotion Period. Once the Guests have become members of the Merchant, the Guests can enjoy Offer 2 on their own during the Promotion Period.
Offer 2 must be used on the day of purchase.
The Offers cannot be used in exchange for cash, gift, service or discount.
Unless otherwise specified, the Offers cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotional offer, discount or cash coupon, and are non-transferable, nor exchangeable for cash or other products.
Participants aged below 12 must be accompanied by people aged above 14. Facilities are inapplicable to people under the height of 130cm.
Hong Kong Telecommunications (HKT) Limited (「HKT」)對商戶提供的設備、遊戲及/或服務質素或任何其他事宜概不承擔任何責任。HKT對因優惠引起的、附帶的或與之有關的任何損失、損害或人身傷害概不負責。商戶將負上其所提供之設備、遊戲及/或服務的義務及法律責任。
Hong Kong Telecommunications (HKT) Limited (“HKT”) accepts no liability for the quality of or any other matters relating to the facilities, games and/or services provided by the Merchant. HKT shall not be liable for any losses, damages or personal injury arising from, incidental to, or in relation to the Offers. The Merchant is solely responsible for all obligations and liabilities relating to its provision of facilities, games and/or services.
優惠須受商戶之條款及細則約束。HKT及商戶保留隨時更改或取消此優惠及/或修訂或修改此等條款及細則之權利而毋須事前通知。如有任何爭議,HKT及/或商戶的決定是最終及具決定性的。如有查詢,請透過6824 5526致電或WhatsApp聯絡商戶。
The Offers are subject to the terms and conditions of the Merchant. HKT and the Merchant reserve the rights to vary or cancel the Offers and/or amend or alter these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. In the event of dispute, the decisions made by HKT and/or the Merchant shall be final and binding. For inquiries, please contact the Merchant by call or WhatsApp at 6824 5526.
In the event of inconsistency between the English and Chinese versions of these terms and conditions, the English version shall prevail.
指定HKT Premier客戶,其最多可攜同3位親友每位以優惠價HK$100 參與HKT Premier X AME運動電競挑戰賽,總成績晉身前十名的參賽者可贏取豐富獎品!ˇ
Designated HKT Premier customers, each eligible to bring a maximum of three guests to participate in HKT Premier X AME Motion eSports Tournament at a discounted price of HK$100/person. Customers who achieve the top 10 best results can win fabulous prizes.ˇ
ˇ受條款及細則約束Terms and conditions apply
2. HKT Premier X AME 運動電競挑戰賽
HKT Premier X AME Motion eSports Tournament

ˇTerms and Conditions
由2021年4月10日至2021年5月31日(包括首尾兩天)(「推廣期」),收到由HKT Premier 發出附有指定HKT Premier 推廣碼(「推廣碼」)之指定電郵或多媒體訊息(「推廣訊息」)的HKT Premier客戶(「客戶」)可於AME Stadium(「商戶」)參加HKT Premier X AME運動電競挑戰賽(「挑戰賽」)。
From 10 April, 2021 to 31 May, 2021 (both dates inclusive) (“Promotion Period”), designated HKT Premier customers (“Customers”) who receive the designated promotional email or MMS (“Promotional Message”) with the designated promotion code (“Promotion Code”) sent by HKT Premier can participate in HKT Premier X AME Motion eSports Tournament (“Tournament”) at the AME Stadium (“Merchant”).
Each Customer can bring up to three guests (“Guest”) to participate in the Tournament during the Promotion Period.
Each Customer and Guest can participate in the Tournament for more than once during the Promotion Period.
(a) 於https://amestadium.as.me/HKT登記;
(b) 致電商戶熱線6824 5526;或
(c) 致電HKT Premier熱線28881618。
Customers can make an appointment in advance via the following means, or go directly to the Merchant to enjoy the Offers, subject to actual situation:
(a) register at https://amestadium.as.me/HKT;
(b) call the Merchant’s hotline 6824 5526; or
(c) call the HKT Premier Hotline 28881618.
After making the appointment, Customers will receive the relevant confirmation message ("Confirmation Message") via email or WhatsApp.
To participate in the Tournament, Customers must present the Promotional Message and the Confirmation Message to the Merchant, and each Customer and Guest must register as a member of the Merchant.
Customers must accompany the Guests to register as members of the Merchant during the Promotion Period. Once the Guests have become a member of the Merchant, the Guests can participate in the Tournament on their own during the Promotion Period.
Each Customer and Guest is required to complete each of the three selected games (“Games”) for once, including E-Racing, E-Rowing and E-Cycling.
Each Customer and Guest is required to complete the Games within 30 minutes in one go.
最佳成績(完成遊戲的最短時間)將會記錄於商戶之HKT Premier排行榜。完成遊戲時間之成績由2021年4月10日00:00開始記錄,截至2021年5月 31 日 23:59(香港時間)。
The best results (the shortest time to complete the Games) will be displayed on the Merchant’s HKT Premier ranking chart. The results of time to complete the Games are recorded from 10 April, 2021 at 00:00 to 31 May, 2021 at 23:59 (Hong Kong Time).
前十名得到遊戲最佳成績的客戶或親友為挑戰賽之得獎者(「得獎者」),包括:冠軍 (一名)、亞軍(一名)、季軍(一名)及優異獎(七名)。得獎者可贏取由HKT Smart Living 及商戶提供的獎品(「獎品」)。每位得獎者只可獲獎品一份。
The 10 Customers or Guests who achieve the top 10 best results are the winners (“Winners”), including one Champion, one 1st Runner-Up, one 2nd Runner-Up and seven Merit Awards. Winners will be awarded with the prizes given by HKT Smart Living and the Merchant (“Prizes”). Each Winner can only receive one Prize.
Please make sure the name, contact number, email address and Promotion Code provided are correct when registering as a member of the Merchant. If the information submitted by the Winners have any omission or is incorrect, resulting in failure to contact the Winners by the Merchant, the respective Winner’s entitlement to win the Prize will be forfeited without further notice and any compensation.
商戶將於2021年6月7日 至 2021年6月11日(包括首尾兩天)透過WhatsApp或致電得獎者,安排領取獎品。得獎者須於2021年6月7日至 2021年6月20日(包括首尾兩天)(「換領期」)到商戶換領獎品。若得獎者未能於換領期內到商戶換領獎品,獎品將被作廢而不作另外通知或任何補償。
The Merchant will contact the Winners by WhatsApp or call from 7 June, 2021 to 11 June, 2021 (both dates inclusive) and arrange redemption of Prizes. Winners must go to the Merchant and redeem the Prizes from 7 June, 2021 to 20 June, 2021 (both dates inclusive) (“Redemption Period”). The Prizes will be forfeited without further notice and any compensation if the Winners do not collect their Prizes at the Merchant with the Redemption Period.
If the Winner is aged below 18, the Winner’s parent/guardian must accompany the Winners to go to the Merchant and present his/her valid identification documents to the Merchant to redeem the Prize.
The Prizes cannot be used in exchange for cash, other gift, service or discount.
Hong Kong Telecommunications (HKT) Limited (「HKT」)對商戶提供的設備、遊戲及/或服務質素或任何其他事宜概不承擔任何責任。HKT對因挑戰賽引起的、附帶的或與之有關的任何損失、損害或人身傷害概不負責。商戶將負上其所提供之設備、遊戲及/或服務的義務及法律責任。
Hong Kong Telecommunications (HKT) Limited (“HKT”) accepts no liability for the quality of or any other matters relating to the facilities, games and/or services provided by the Merchant. HKT shall not be liable for any losses, damages or personal injury arising from, incidental to, or in relation to the Tournament. The Merchant is solely responsible for all obligations and liabilities relating to its provision of facilities, games and/or services.
挑戰賽須受商戶之條款及細則約束。HKT及商戶保留隨時更改或取消此挑戰賽及/或修訂或修改此等條款及細則之權利而毋須事前通知。如有任何爭議,HKT及/或商戶的決定是最終及具決定性的。如有查詢,請透過6824 5526致電或WhatsApp聯絡商戶。
The Tournament is subject to the terms and conditions of the Merchant. HKT and the Merchant reserve the rights to vary or cancel the Tournament and/or amend or alter these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. In the event of dispute, the decisions made by HKT and/or the Merchant shall be final and binding. For inquiries, please contact the Merchant by call or WhatsApp at 6824 5526.
In the event of inconsistency between the English and Chinese versions of these terms and conditions, the English version shall prevail.
獎品 Prize
Supported by:

第一名 Champion
全民運動會套票 x 8(原價 HK$3,200)
Athletic All-In-One Pass x 8 (Original Price HK$3,200) -
HKT Smart Living – Living+ 智能家居溫度濕度調節套裝連安裝^(建議零售價 HK$4,799)
HKT Smart Living – Living+ Smart Home Temperature & Humidity Control Kit with installation^ (RSP: HK$4,799)
第二名 1st Runner-Up
全民運動會套票 x 4(原價 HK$1,600)
Athletic All-In-One Pass x 4 (Original Price HK$1,600) -
HKT Smart Living家居Wi-Fi 服務「速度王 - 進階計劃」(24 個月承諾期)#(價值HK$2,112)(只適用於指定網上行 / LiKE1OO寬頻客戶)
Smart Living Home Wi-Fi Service "King of Speed - Premium Plan" (24-month commitment period) # (Value: HK$2,112) (Applicable to designated NETVIGATOR/LiKE1OO broadband customers)
第三名 2nd Runner-Up
全民運動會套票x 4(原價 HK$1,600)
Athletic All-In-One Pass x 4 (Original Price HK$1,600) -
HKT Smart Living 智能禮券" HK$1,000
HKT Smart Living Smart Voucher" HK$1,000
第四至第十名 Merit Awards
全民運動會套票 x 1 (原價HK$400)
Athletic All-In-One Pass x 1 (Original Price HK$400) -
HKT Smart Living 智能禮券" HK$200
HKT Smart Living Smart Voucher" HK$200
^ HKT Smart Living Living+ 智能家居溫度濕度調節套裝連安裝-附加條款及細則
^ Supplementary Terms & Conditions -HKT Smart Living Living+ Smart Home Temperature & Humidity Control Kit with installation
HKT Smart Living – Living+ 智能家居溫度濕度調節套裝(「Living+ 套裝」)之建議組件包括一個智能家居接收器、一個溫濕度傳感器及一個紅外線控制器。
Suggested items for HKT Smart Living – Living+ Smart Home Temperature & Humidity Control Kit (“Living+ Kit”) include a main hub, a temperature & humidity sensor and an IR controller.
使用Living+ 套裝需根據 Hong Kong Telecommunications (HKT) Limited(「HKT」)建議安裝指定裝置及流動應用程式。
Installations of designated devices and mobile applications as suggested by Hong Kong Telecommunications (HKT) Limited (“HKT”) are required for using the Living+ Kit.
AME Stadium(「商戶」)會提供 Living+ 套裝之換領信(「換領信」)予Living+ 套裝之得獎者(「得獎者」)。得獎者須根據換領信中指示,於指定期限內聯絡 HKT安排安裝 Living+ 套裝。如得獎者未滿18歲,得獎者之家長/監護人須向HKT提供其有效身份證明文件副本以登記及換領Living+ 套裝。
AME Stadium (“Merchant”) would provide the redemption letter for the Living+ Kit ("Redemption Letter") to the winner of the Living+ Kit (“Winner”). The Winner is required to contact HKT for the installation arrangement of the Living+ Kit within the designated period according to the instructions listed in the Redemption Letter. If the Winner is aged below 18, the Winner’s parent/guardian must provide HKT with a copy of his/her valid identification document to register and redeem the Living+ Kit.
操控Living+ 套裝需透過指定應用程式HomeMate,適用於iOS 8.0 或Android 4.0.3以上。
The Living+ Kit is to be controlled via a designated "HomeMate" mobile application, compatible with Android 4.0.3 or newer & iOS 8.0 or newer.
Living+ 套裝由HKT提供及只適用於指定住宅地區,並受有關條款及細則約束,詳情請參閱https://smartliving.hkt.com/chi/home-automation/livingplus。HKT有權隨時更改此條款及細則,而無須作事先通知。如有任何爭議,HKT保留最終決定權。
The Living+ Kit is provided by HKT and is only available only in designated residential areas, subject to relevant terms and conditions. For details, please visit https://smartliving.hkt.com/eng/home-automation/livingplus. HKT reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions without prior notice. In the event of dispute, HKT reserves the right of final decision.
In the event of discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions of these terms and conditions, the English version shall prevail.
# HKT Smart Living家居Wi-Fi 服務「速度王 - 進階計劃」(24 個月承諾期)-附加條款及細則
# Supplementary Terms & Conditions - HKT Smart Living Home Wi-Fi Service "King of Speed - Premium Plan" (24-month commitment period)
HKT Smart Living家居無線網絡服務(「家居 Wi-Fi 服務」)為網上行/LiKE1OO寬頻服務之額外服務。
HKT Smart Living Home Networking Wireless Service ("Home Wi-Fi Service") is an extra service of NETVIGATOR/LiKE1OO Broadband Service.
AME Stadium(「商戶」)會提供家居 Wi-Fi 服務「速度王- 進階計劃」(24 個月承諾期)(「該服務」)之換領信(「換領信」)予該服務之得獎者(「得獎者」)。得獎者須根據換領信中指示,於指定期限內聯絡Hong Kong Telecommunications (HKT) Limited(「HKT」)安排安裝該服務。如得獎者未滿18歲,得獎者之家長/監護人須向HKT提供其有效身份證明文件副本以登記及換領該服務。
AME Stadium (“Merchant”) would provide the redemption letter ("Redemption Letter") for the Home Wi-Fi Service "King of Speed - Premium Plan" (24-month commitment period) (“Service”) to winner of the Service (“Winner”). The Winner is required to contact Hong Kong Telecommunications (HKT) Limited (“HKT”) for the installation arrangement of the Service within the designated period according to the instructions listed in the Redemption Letter. If the Winner is aged below 18, the Winner’s parent/guardian must provide HKT with a copy of his/her valid identification document to register and redeem the Service.
家居 Wi-Fi 服務只適用於指定住宅地區的指定網上行/LiKE1OO寬頻服務客戶。若您為非現有網上行/LiKE1OO寬頻服務客戶或因任何原因未能於其服務安裝地址成功安裝網上行/LiKE1OO寬頻服務,您將無法享用此家居 Wi-Fi 服務,而您將不會獲任何補償。
Home Wi-Fi Service is only applicable to designated customers of NETVIGATOR/LiKE1OO Broadband Service in designated residential areas. If you are not an existing customer of NETVIGATOR/LiKE1OO Broadband Service or fail to successfully install the NETVIGATOR / LiKE1OO Broadband Service at your service installation address for any reason, you will not be able to enjoy the Home Wi-Fi Service and will not receive any compensation.
當您的家居Wi-Fi服務之承諾期結束時,如 (a) HKT未能與您聯絡;(b) 您並未聯絡HKT;或 (c) 您未能決定是否將現有合約續約家居Wi-Fi服務,HKT將繼續(惟您必須仍然是網上行/LiKE1OO寬頻服務客戶)在承諾期後將按月服務計劃形式根據現有合約繼續為您提供家居Wi-Fi服務,惟須繳付HKT當時收取的月費,直至您於最少 30 天前,向HKT發出事先書面通知,要求終止家居Wi-Fi服務。如欲了解有關詳情,請瀏覽 https://netvigator.com/chi/info/month-rate-private.html 。相關費用可能隨時更改。
At the end of the commitment period for your Home Wi-Fi Service, if (a) HKT is unable to contact you; (b) you do not contact HKT; or (c) you are undecided as to whether to renew your existing contract for the Home Wi-Fi Service, HKT will continue to provide Home Wi-Fi Service to you under the existing contract (provided that you continue to be a NETVIGATOR/LiKE1OO Broadband Service customer) on a month-to-month basis, subject to payment of our prevailing charges after the commitment period, until you terminate Home Wi-Fi Service by giving HKT not less than 30 days’ advance written notice. For details, please go to https://netvigator.com/eng/info/month-rate-private.html. These rates are subject to change from time to time.
您的網上行/LiKE1OO寬頻服務及家居 Wi-Fi 服務為不可分割服務。如您終止您的網上行/LiKE1OO寬頻服務, 則您的家居 Wi-Fi 服務亦將同時被終止。
Your NETVIGATOR/LiKE1OO Broadband Service and Home Wi-Fi Service are non-severable services. If you terminate your NETVIGATOR/LiKE1OO Broadband Service, your Home Wi-Fi Service will also be terminated at the same time.
您同意為HKT看管家居Wi-Fi務提供之有關器材,包括但不限於路由器、電源變壓器、網絡線、網絡交換機(統稱「器材」)。除另有說明外,您必須於終止家居 Wi-Fi服務後,將運作良好的服務供應器材盡快退還至HKT於您終止家居Wi-Fi服務時通知您的地址。請參閱於您提出終止要求時填妥的指定終止表格中所載詳情。若您未能退回有關器材,您須應要求向HKT支付相關的遺失或更換器材費用。
You agree to look after our Home Wi-Fi Service provisioning equipment that HKT provides to you, including but not limited to routers, power adaptor, network cables, network switches (collectively, "Equipment"). Unless otherwise stated, you are required to return our Equipment in good working condition as soon as possible after termination of your Home Wi-Fi Service to the address that HKT informs you at the time you terminate your Home Wi-Fi service. Please refer to details as contained in the designated termination request form completed upon your termination request. If you fail to return such Equipment, you shall pay HKT upon demand the relevant Lost or Replacement Equipment Charge.
家居 Wi-Fi 實際情況需視乎單位實用面積、單位間隔、建築材料及其他外在因素及客戶的要求範圍而定。
Home Wi-Fi performance depends on factors such as size of apartment, layout of premises, nature of construction materials and extraneous factors, as well as area of coverage specified by the customer.
The Home Wi-Fi Service is for personal use only and not for commercial use.
Without the consent of HKT, regardless of whether money is involved, the customer may not resell, transfer, sublet the service or permit a third party to use the Home Wi-Fi Service under any circumstances.
網上行/LiKE1OO寬頻服務及 HKT Smart Living 家居Wi-Fi服務由HKT提供,只適用於指定住宅地區,並受有關條款及細則約束。
NETVIGATOR/LiKE1OO Broadband Service and HKT Smart Living Home Wi-Fi Service are provided by HKT, and are available only in designated residential areas, subject to relevant terms and conditions.
HKT reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions without prior notice. In the event of dispute, HKT reserves the right of final decision.
In the event of discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions of these terms and conditions, the English version shall prevail.
" HKT Smart Living 智能禮券-附加條款及細則
" Supplementary Terms & Conditions -HKT Smart Living Smart Voucher
This voucher is valid until 31 December, 2021.
本現金券只適用於購買HKT Smart Living之指定產品,包括指定智能電視、桌上電腦、手提電腦、平板電腦及電子產品。
This voucher is applicable only to the purchase of designated products of HKT Smart Living, including designated smart TV, desktop PC, notebook, tablet and Smart Living gadgetry.
本現金券只適用於指定的HKT專門店、客戶服務中心、直銷部、HKT Premier及經HKT Smart Living銷售熱線使用。
This voucher can be used only at the designated HKT shops, customer service centers, direct sales channels, HKT Premier and via HKT Smart Living hotline.
This voucher cannot be used in conjunction with any gift certificate or coupon, nor can any unused amount be refunded.
This voucher must be presented before payment is made and can be used one time only.
This voucher is not redeemable for cash or equivalent amount of goods.
This voucher is invalid if found defaced and/or damaged.
This voucher is not replaceable if lost.
Photocopy of this voucher is not accepted.
Hong Kong Telecommunications (HKT) Limited (「HKT」) 保留隨時更改及/或修改此等條款及細則之權利而無須事先通知。
Hong Kong Telecommunications (HKT) Limited (“HKT”) reserves the sole right to amend and/ or alter these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice.
In the event of any dispute, HKT reserves the right of final decision.
In the event of discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions of these terms and conditions, the English version shall prevail.